SHC Search

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Long Time Gone

It has been a long time since I've posted anything here. I have spent my online time looking at Facebook and Instagram, but honestly I am not sure why anyone else would read my post here. I do this for myself. I have been busy living, working and enjoying my family. We even got a new dog.

So in the past few months, I have traded the 1971 Chevelle in for a 1952 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup. I found the truck online in Texas, and we made a deal to trade.
I shipped the Chevelle down to Texas, and two weeks later received my pickup. There were a few things that I needed to do first, but I don't mind. I actually enjoy that part the most.
Unfortunately, there were a few things that were not disclosed about the truck, like the faulty wiring, lack of door locks (or ability to even close the doors completely) the poor brakes, no shocks and trashed rear end. I'll save all of that for future post.

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