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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Knowledge vs Application

Yesterday, Tommy (72 Chevelle) and I were talking about how the body work was going. I told him that I probably know enough about paint and body work to write my own book...but it is the application of this knowledge that eludes me. Every time I do it , I get better at it, but there are those times where I swear I just got lucky at it.

My wonderful new neighbors are so kind and supportive as I push the Vette out into the driveway each day and sand, sand, sand. Then I push it back in and prime, push it out and sand. I tried to warn them that when the Vette is done, I am sure to have another project in the driveway, and they don't seem to be bothered by that. (Whew)

I was wet sanding the car for what I thought was the last time with the 600, when I found this HUGE bulge on the rear deck. (I thought I had fixed it earlier) Damn, now I had to rough it up and start filling and feathering again. I lucked out by getting it the first time!

So, you want to see what it looks like after all this sanding? I have given it my best effort with the sandpaper, washed it down, and plan to paint this week. Wish me luck!

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