SHC Search

Thursday, April 12, 2012

66 Chevelle Progress

So, I am on vacation this week, and have been working steadily on the '66 Chevelle...which is good news. I did however place an ad on Craigslist offering to sell the car. I must be off my meds or something. I finally got the car in primer, and just have to get the dings out, the body blocked and painted...but I am at the point that I can cut my losses and walk away before I sink another couple grand into it. Isn't that what I wanted though? A nice 1966 Chevelle? And if I sell it, what then? What would I drive? Aghhhhhh!!!

I have a bunch of calls to return from interested buyers, this is going to kill me. If it doesn't go quick, I'm probably going to order my parts from the swap meet, finish the build and forget about this whole week.

Maybe it's all the paint fumes getting to my head.....

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