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Saturday, April 04, 2015

Wiring Circuits

I haven't been driving the 3100 Pickup much this winter, as I really didn't want to drive it in the snow or salt covered roads. So, after the winter thawed, I installed a new Optima battery and a 100 amp alternator to make the electric system all new.

I started the pickup up to take it to work the other day, and was surprised to find out that I never finished some of the wiring projects on the truck. I had to share a circuit for the electric fan (just the relay on) and electric choke, and when I manually shut the fan off to allow the truck to warm up faster in the cold weather, I also shut off the choke. That's not going to work... I learned that the hard way.

I purchased an additional three fuse circuit from Painless Wiring that was a perfect fit. I wired the choke and the fan to their own keyed, dedicated circuit, and a new constant hot lead for the lighter so that now I can charge my phone or plug something in the lighter. For you kids, that's what you called the power outlet in a car prior to the 90's.

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